Compose Better Still Lifes

A Two Day Workshop - Dec 2, 3, 2023.

Still Life Workshop, Dec 2023 - Painting

Workshop Details:

This is a two day structured still life drawing / painting workshop. The workshop will concentrate on the concepts and priciples of composition in still life paintings. A presentation followed by a demonstration will constitute the first part of the workshop. The participants then will set up their own still lifes using the items they bring. The participants will bring their compositions to life on the second day. Participants will get one-on-one critique and guidance as they work.

Dates: December 2, 3, 2023
Time: 9 am to 4 pm (with one hour lunch break)
Venue: Artist's Studio in Suwanee, GA

To Register: Call (770) 495-9069, or send an email to

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